Hi Janice
I get very hot when it is only in the 70 or 80's  for no reason I can just
be on the computer or watching TV and I will get real hot so much that I
sweat a lot..(I soak my blouse) but I only sweat on my face neck and breasts
.my lesion is at nipple level  T4  my  banding is where my bra snaps...so it
feels like my bra is way to tight.
In the cold weather I get more spastic and tight it hurts to bend knees and
ankles. I still have the  banding in winter too...and if my husband puts the
furnace up to high I will over heat...I love to go out in the snow with just
what I have on and bear foot and watch all the steam come off me..its a riot
TM spastic paraplegic T4 incomplete
South Lake Tahoe Ca.

From: Janice
Date: 6/11/2009 6:41:35 PM
To: transverse myelitis
Subject: [TMIC]
This is Janice,
I have 2 questions:
1. With hot weather coming, do any of you have a problem with all of a
sudden being really hot?  I know some
of you had a problem with the cold last winter, but does your body change in
summer and you get hit with being hot instead
of cold?    I really have a problem with heat - especially with humidity.  I
get hot, then weak.   Not good.
2.  Several of you have mentioned the tight "band" around your body.  I am
not sure this band is in the same place for
everyone.    Also, has there been any change in the band with those of you
who have had TM for a long time?  


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