
Yes, there are other people with disabilities in my building. They are afraid to fight for their rights, and I don't have the energy to organize them. I have gotten small things done (curb cut) by emailing a state Senator who contacted the Fair Housing Association for my state. As the population ages, I think the ADA laws need to be re-examined or we are going to be stepped on even more. Have you contacted local TV stations? Sometimes they have advocates that
help people.

Best wishes,

Akua wrote:
Kevin, I remember your tales of struggle with your condo.

I was in exile at the time, waiting for my home to be rehabbed.
Now I'm home--  private house-- and everytime I want to invoke the ADA,
I'm told it doesn't apply--- from the ramps that don't meet
 ADA specs to being able to be dropped off in front
of my house where there is one concrete break in the grassy

My house is on a corner.., neither my neighbors across the street
nor next  door to me park in front of my house.

It's the illogic that gets me... there is plenty of room.  okay. so why
can't I reserve the space in front of my house, which i starved and suffered to retain and continue to pay taxes on for the handicapped.... in this case me?

There are signs warning of Children at play and Deaf children, why is my request resisted?

Are there other handicapped folks in your condo? Can you get them
to ask?

I wrote well crafted letter after letter to the newspapers about lack of paratransit.
My drummer wrote a rant about not being able to get a bus to see me
( he can walk and could, but it would be extremely arduous)  and they
published it! Sometime, I guess they need to hear more than one voice,
no matter how clear and lucid that one voice is.

Thanks for sharing.


The laws regarding handicapped parking don't go far enough imo, and
there should be state inspections of buidings like mine, (a high-rise condo complex), to make sure they are meeting code. There is exactly ONE handicapped parking space on my street for approx. 200 condominiums. I have learned that there should be at least THREE spaces, still not that many. I have been forced to park a block away, and as a result have not been able to access my car for a very long time. I used to be able to walk to my car with a cane, now it's too far, and I can only get to
it with a power wheelchair, which I can't get in my car.

It sounds like you live in a private home? It seems the ADA laws do little for private residences than public buidings, but there shouldn't be people blocking your access.
That's just wrong.


Akua wrote:
Ah Kevin: curb cuts

After a year and half of lettert writing and countless calls, the city manager and a cop are meeting with me to review my request for a handicapped parking sign in front of my house.

I have a curb cut right in front of my house, but some idiots park there, blocking it. Despite the fact that it is in front of my house and my ramp. I was initially refused the sign because I was told there are LOTS of places to park in my single-family home neighborhood.

I said that's my point! There are lots of other places for able bodied people to PARK( like their own homes and driveways) and I need access to my house. I was told that handicapped parking signs are not for homes....argggghhh.... but they're coming to meet with me to understand what it is I am saying.



I am sorry that you are going through these difficulties.

I had to get my state involved to get a wheelchair curb cut
put in front of my condo complex.  The building resents me
because it cost money, even though they were breaking the law.


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