"To date hotel has yet to make any kind of change in "wheel chair accessible rooms" I wrote a letter to the corporate office but never heard back from them.

This sounds like a good one for the Disablity Coalition or Reeves Foundation to take on...

Ok not the same issue but here one of my gripes

I am in a wheel chair on a business trip in LA, the hotel puts me on the 16th floor in a 'wheel char accessible room" ok now tell me how am I to get to the ground floor if something were to happen? Can't use the elevator, hum am I supposed to fly? Went to complain to manager and he looked at me like I just grew a third eye!! Then had the nerve to tell me "Oh if something were to happen, we would send someone to come get you" I just laughed at himĀŠ and demanded to be put on the ground floor, room was difficult to get around in but felt safer. To date hotel has yet to make any kind of change in "wheel chair accessible rooms" I wrote a letter to the corporate office but never heard back from them.



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