I have been on Lyrica for at least 3 years...I started with 2 pills a day 
(150mg each) and 2 years ago I increased it to 3 pills or 450 mg per day. I 
have had TM for 12 years and have found Lyrica to be the best drug as for 
helping the banding,numbness and pins and needles. The only side effects are 
they increase my appetite and you can not drink alcohol when you are taking 
Lyrica (I still have a beer or two..but no hard liquor).
Rob in New Jersey


From: LadyOwl1961 [mailto:k...@frontiernet.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:49 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?

    On May 6th of this year I was visiting friends in Thunder Bay, Ontario, 
Canada (where I am originally from and lived until 1999) when both myself and 
the friend I was staying with  got a very bad chest cold that lasted 2 ½ weeks. 
It was actually longer but just the tired run down feeling lingered. I visited 
my family doctor in Thunder Bay on May 11th to have my prescriptions updated 
and refilled when during all of this and he reminded me about my TM symptoms 
flaring up after a very bad flu/cold as this seemed to be the trigger in my 
1st. and  2nd  bouts. I returned home to the States on May 25th. It was about 
June 1st. that I woke up at home and it was like every symptom of my TM was in 
over drive. With no health care and not knowing what else to do I called my 
doctor in Thunder Bay. He then talked to my neurologist himself and called me 
back telling me that they agreed I should increase my Lyrica gradually then 
decrease it again over the course of 2 months as my bouts seem to last 
approximately 3 weeks. I am in the middle of doing all of this right now. My 
question is that I am wondering about the increase and decrease and if you 
noticed any change in your moods? Lately for some unknown reason I am angry. 
Angry at any and everything and the least little thing can set me off (sorry 
for the read receipt thing). I am trying to figure out if this is due to the 
lyrica (a side effect is depression) or just my emotions over having another 


Kathy (who now feels bad about her read receipt email)

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