Okay it looks like I got some answers to my question. It now seems that I need 
to drink alcohol with my lyrica to get rid of my anger. It also looks like I 
have to time my beer, wine or scotch as well as my lyrica. Well doing this I 
will have to avoid walls, floors and toilet rings. It will also give me amnesia 
and send me into lala land so I won't know I am angry. 

 ROTFLMNAO (rolling on the floor laughing my NUMB ass off)

Thank you to those who answered because it has given me a great laugh. I spoke 
with my doctor and we decided since I was going to be lessening my lyrica 
gradually that we are hoping the anger will dissipates. I think the anger is 
more due to the fact that I let myself catch that darn virus which threw me 
back into a TM bout. I have never been on a anti depressant and I don't know 
how I feel about starting one as normally I am able to handle the little bouts 
of depression I get with my TM. I really am afraid of adding more medication to 
the mix as since going on lyrica I have been able to get rid of most other 
medication and just keep a few on hand for break through pain & sensations when 
I need it. 

Thank you again all.. sometimes I wonder where I would be if I did not have a 
life full of laughter. 


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