I also take Lyrica and once in awhile I will have a glass of wine or a beer
but I try not to take it close to the time I take the med.  I have never had
an issue with it but am very careful about the timing.  Jeanne
-------Original Message-------
From: Janet Dunn
Date: 6/17/2009 8:05:39 PM
To: 'Cody';  'TMIC'
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
 OH Cody
How you have made my day.  And all this time I have denied myself the
pleasure of a tall cold one. 
God Bless Ya, I am a happy camper to hear this news.
TIAD  but I’ve got today to get through.
From: Cody [mailto:c...@austin.rr.com] 
Sent: June 17, 2009 4:41 PM
To: TMIC; Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question for people on Lyrica?
Robert....I specifically ask my new pain management doctor about this
subject. I ask because my wife always gets after me when I want a scotch and
reminds me of the Lyrica warning label. I am on the same dosge as you 150mg
3XD and Baclofen as well.  He said no problem with a beer, a scotch or a
glass of wine. He just said be careful and not overdo and absolutely don't
drive. He also said the warning labels are written by lawyers and not by
doctors or pharmacist. He said the caution on the warning labels are
appropriate but there is a certain element of CYA for the drug company built
in as well. I never have over two drinks and most of the time only one and
not every day either. So that's my 2 cents worth for the day as I sip my
glass of Pinot......Cody in Austin

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