As a caretaker/mother of a daughter who has had TM for 4 years now; this 
saddens me to read this. I am also a member of the one Yahoo TM site b/c for me 
it seems like it involves more children than adults and I can identify more 
with their issues. Since my daughter was inflicted at the age of 11 and is now 
15 ½, I get lots of answers from the other site but also stay on this one b/c I 
want to know what the future may hold for my daughter as an adult. I know that 
we  ALL have been saddened by the passing of Pam but this should not be a time 
to bicker and a time for people to quit the site b/c they feel as though they 
are traitors for checking out another site. There have been numerous times that 
I have tried to unsubscribe and for some reason, it never works. Maybe I am 
supposed to stay on this site for another reason. I know I don't write very 
much and maybe this email will just be taken with a grain of salt. Fortunately, 
my daughter seems to have a much lighter case of TM than a lot of others on 
this site. With that in mind, I still continue to read everyone's emails b/c 
they make me feel so much more blessed that my daughter didn't get inflicted as 
badly as others although she does deal with one or two of the symptoms. I can't 
imagine what most of you feel on a daily basis with the pain, fatigue, banding, 
sweats, cold feelings etc. My daughter hasn't had any pain, other than at 
onset, and that was more of the tingling than anything. She is the typical 15 
year old and walks, with assistance through high school every day (except for 
now b/c school is over) and she still hangs out with her friends, she helps me 
around the house and she even babysits the 4 year old and 1 year old boys next 
door. She was confined to her wheelchair at one time but thanks to Dr. Kerr for 
helping us get into the Kennedy Krieger Institute for Spinal Cord Injuries, she 
has been walking for about 2 years. Time has flown by over the last 4 years 
that it is hard to remember life before TM. I hope that everyone continues to 
stay on this site b/c it is full of great information and great people that are 
willing to answer any question that is ever asked. No one judges anyone for 
asking questions. 

As Pam would say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TIAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tracey L. Black

Certified Insurance Service Representative

Hockley & O'Donnell Insurance Agency

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From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Transverse Myelitis Network



First of all, I never said I PREFER the paraplegic/quadriplegic site. I said I 
IDENTIFY more. I feel as though I offended you by saying this. There are issues 
and concerns of being a quad they are not addressed in the TM site and I would 
imagine it's because most people on this site are not quadriplegics. I go where 
I can find the information that helps me. If I did not want to be on this site, 
I could simply delete it from my contacts. There is nothing holding me back. I 
have asked questions on here regarding autonomic dysflexia, only to have no one 
respond. Because I later found out that it's a medical condition for 
quadriplegics, so I went to the paraplegic/quadriplegic site to get the answers 
I needed. I'm sure Jim uses these sites, HE CREATED THEM! Where is his 
hostility?? He knew that there would be a need for additional information, and 
that's all it is, is additional information.

I have been a member of this site, since I came home from the hospital in 2006, 
but I am always looking for any and all information that could be of help to me 
(as I'm sure all of us would be). There are people that use this site that are 
also members on the Yahoo Transverse Myelitis site. Should they just pick one 
or the other.

I have met many people through this site, one who has become my best friend who 
has TM. I would not trade that for anything, but your e-mail makes me feel as 
though I am unwelcomed or a traitor of sorts. This brings me to tears. As I 
have poured my heart out on this site (reluctant to make my personal problems 
public), but felt comfortable enough to share with others who are, also 
suffering with relationship problems, pain and depression. That won't happen 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Jun 17, 2009 4:26 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Transverse Myelitis Network

Then what is holding you back?  Why don't you simply quit this site and use the 
other one that you say you prefer?  What's the big deal?




In a message dated 6/15/2009 2:11:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

        I am also a member of the paraplegic/quadriplegic website that Jim has 
started. Although I have TM, which left me a quadriplegic, I identify more with 
the members of the paraplegic quadriplegic site then with the members of the TM 


        C-4 Quadriplegic, since July 2, 2005
        Due to Transverse Myelitis



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