>  *Hi Naomi,  *

>  *Very well said.  It's like that for NMO patients also.  Although we too,
> suffer from non traumatic SCI, our needs are very different than the typical
> TM patient.  Our treatments differ greatly---many of us are on heavy duty
> anti-rejection/immunosuppressant drugs, and many (Myself included.) are on
> chemotherapy agents.  We too have members who are quads, and more than a few
> are vented.  Many of them frequent other communities  and we always
> encourage that.  If a patient can find support and validation from other
> patients in the same boat at a different site, we encourage
> them.  Oftentimes, the information that they bring back to us is priceless.
> *

>  *Be  well,  *

>  *Grace*

>  *     *

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