LOL  Priscilla - I'm sitting here singing your new SONG!  That's a good one. 
Umm, you can't unhook your bra - what bra??? I finally stopped wearing one 
except when I have to leave the house. shhh don't tell anyone

just me....
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Priscilla Keene<> 
  To: L T CHERPESKI<> ;<> 
  Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 10:05 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] That banding feeling

  I, too, have banding, but it has lessened over the 8 years I've had TM.  It 
was extremely painful for the first few years, but now I only have pain below 
my right breast at night.  My hands are paralyzed, and I can't unhook my bra so 
sometimes I have to sleep with it on, and that really hurts--I try to go to 
sleep asap!  Lyrica helps me a lot with the banding.
  ~I've got that banding feeling,  
  ohohoh, that banding feeling
  I've got that banding feeling
  And it's not gone, gone, gone
  It's not gone, gone, gone  ohohohohoh!~
  Have a wonderful day!

  From: L T CHERPESKI <>
  Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 11:20:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] That banding feeling

  Hi Jude,

  It's so good to see you posting.  It's been too long and we've missed you.  
I'm getting pretty sick of this banding too.  And  I've had the same thing with 
the breathing.  What's up with that??  The first time it happened I was 
actually a little scared.  If I would mind my P's
  and Q's and not try to do too much in one day, ALL of my aches and pains 
would be more manageable.....well, maybe

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    To:<> ;<> 
    Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 6:09 PM
    Subject: Re: [TMIC] That banding feeling

          Hi Jeanne,

          The banding has been exactly the same for me.  It has been with me 
since day one and starts underneath my breasts and goes all the way around my 
abdomen.  When it gets real bad, it continues downward until I feel completely 
enveloped by it.  Sometimes it hurts so badly it hurts to even breathe.

          I don't let TM or anything get me down, but I am beginning to feel 
angry, after seven years.  I am pissed because I cannot work in the garden and 
go places without it being a big deal to get dressed, fix my hair and sometimes 
put on make up so the pain doesn't show so badly.  I was told that I looked old 
when I am in a sweet 14 year old boy. "Thank you very much".

          For the constipation problem, for years I have used Fish Oil 
capsules, one per day and I get them from the health food store or my pharmacy. 
 They work like a dream.  And I have the kind of bowel that moves the poop down 
to "the vault", but will not push it out, so I have done digital removable for 
ever and ever.  It's not fun, but we need to do what we need to do...

          Love and Prayers,

          In a message dated 8/11/2009 1:09:43 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
                         The banding came on immediately with the TM and has 
never left.  Without the meds, it is excruciatingly painful and just heads 
south to my toes.  Funny how you can hurt so bad and 'not feel'???  Explain 
that to someone??  ::))  Gosh, I'm so happy you all are in my life..Jeanne

                        -------Original Message-------

                        Date: 8/10/2009 10:56:05 PM
                        Subject: [TMIC] That banding feeling

                        Those of you who got that banding feeling do you all 
just have TM or did you also get subsequently diagnosed with MS too? And if you 
did experience the banding feeling, did you experience it at the beginning of 
your TM (or MS) journey or somewhere down the road? :-)
                        Just wondering if TM'ers get the banding feeling or is 
it only those that get MS too. I had it at the start of my TM but it went away 
after a month or two. I had a very mild case of TM and as of yet not diagnosed 
with MS. 





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