Hi all.. 
Haven't written in much but as of yesterday I have been very scared and nervous 
because of a weird sensation I have been getting.. I was on Face Book (my usual 
haunt) between 2 and 3 pm when my body began to vibrate. I was shaking from 
head to toe. Not a big shake but a very small one that even my husband could 
see from a few feet away. It felt almost like I had too much caffeine or 
something. I could hardly get out of my chair. My legs felt very heavy and I 
had this vibration going up and down them. Even my hands, arms and trunk had 
it. I made it to the couch with hubby right by my side because I was not able 
to control my legs as much as I usually am. They felt so heavy and thick like I 
was walking through water waist high and someone was giving me electrical 
shocks. I was hoping after walking a little bit the feeling would subside but 
it didn't. I went on the deck for a smoke ( okay I know I should not smoke but 
it is my only vice besides Face Book ) and had to step over the patio door 
bottom (can't think of the proper name right now) and had a very hard time 
lifting my feet over it and it is only a 1/4 to a 1/2 inch high. After about 
another 15 minutes we finally decided I should go lay down in bed. I stayed 
there till 7 pm until the vibrating settled down enough that I felt save enough 
and strong enough to walk to the living room. I kept getting this vibrating 
feeling come back strong for about 30 to 40 minutes then weaken off slowly the 
rest of the evening and now it seems to be starting up again today. Hubby is 
laid off right now and we have no health so no getting to a doctor for me. I am 
wondering if any of you have had this feeling and what you did about it? I am 
on 2 lyrica a day and my medication has not changed in well over a year (except 
when I had to take more Lyrica earlier this year).  I am really hoping this 
feeling just resolves itself but am very interested if any of have had this 
Kathleen Moorhead Blaschko (as I am known on Face Book)

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