Heather...I am just so confused.....I am starting to believe that the
best combinatuion I have used up to now has been Lyrica and 4-
Aminopyridine (now AMPYRA). Dr Kerr was going to put me back on these 2
but he first wanted to see how Cymbalta instead of Aminopyridine agreed
with me...to cut to the chase I found the Cymbalta was helping but the
side effects were offsetting. I figure I will try the neurontin which i
believe I took 8-10 years ago...who can remember?.....If I see no help
with the banding I intend to try the combination of Lyrica and
Ampyra....for me Lyrica has been the most effective drug I take ttat for
me has no side effects!
    To be continued!  
By the way we had our 4th New Jersey TM Support group meeting yesterday
with 9 TM'rs attending some with parents or spouses.We spent 3 hours
discussing what TM has done to our lives, the meds we take and the
Doctors we see...and what we think of them.....as always a special and
emotional meeting. It is so rare to put this many people together who
understand eachother and are able to relate. As always I recommended
them going to our website and subscribing.
All the best!
Rob in New Jersey


From: Pieter and Heather [mailto:pieterheat...@shaw.ca] 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 10:11 AM
To: Robert Pall; tmic-l...@eskimo.net
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neurontin

That seems a bit odd.  
Lyrica and Neurontin are about the same.  Usually when you are taken off
Neurontin you are put on Lyrica (which has only been on the market for
about the last 3 years).  
Patti in Michigan takes Lyrica and Cymbalta. They work well for her.  I
know she was previously on Neurontin and Cymbalta.
I would think that taking Lyrica and Neurontin are the overkill ones. 
A lot of people who were taking Neurontin changed to Lyrica when it came
out and most have found more relief from the Lyrica.  I was one who
tried to switch however the side effects for me with the the Lyrica were
badly swollen legs, ankles and I had to go back to the Neurontin.
Apparently according to my neuro that the swelling of the legs and
ankles using Lyrica occurs in only about 7%. I found that the 10 days I
was on the Lyrica helped with the pain more than the Neurontin but the
swelling in my lower limbs was not good. 
I have been on Neurontin since day one back in Sept 2003. 
Heather in Calgary 

        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Robert Pall <mailto:rp...@neillsupply.com>  
        To: tmic-l...@eskimo.net 
        Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 6:42 AM
        Subject: [TMIC] Neurontin

        I went last week to a new Neuro recommended to me by Dr. Kerr.
Besides having me take new MRI's including the brain (never had this one
before) he is taking me off Cymbalta and starting me up on Neurontin (
100 mg per day). He saw no reason to be taking Cymbalta as I am already
taking Lyrica and according to the new Dr. both Cymbalta and Lyrica do
the same thing and taking both of them is not effective  it is just
overkill. I wonder if any of the other members who are taking both
Lyrica and Cymbalta were ever told this...and what should I expect from
the neurontin? I am hoping it will help the banding. What negative side
effects have any of you suffered with the neurontin?


        Rob in New Jersey 

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