Good for you Jeron! And know that there will be days when you will still miss what you used to have; I still have them. But you did the right thing, you reached out for advice and knowledge. So feel free to write the TM list or me personally anytime you feel down or whatever. And I would let the list know how well you did on your dive, and how it has helped you. Your triumphs give us hope that we can reach our goals, and visa versa. Hold your head high, and the next time you get to dive, think of me while you're down there. I miss it soooo much.... :-D

On 5/21/2010 3:33 PM, j ra wrote:
Thanks Bernie, I appreciated that. When I started this post, I honestly wasn't looking for pity. I just wondered if anyone else misses life before TM, because I sure do. I miss the little things. I made my dive today and it was exhilirating. I did it! I accomplished my goal and no one can take that away from me.

Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 14:38:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Fwd: RE: [TMIC] alive

Dear Maggie,
Sorry, but this seems down right nasty to someone pouring his heart out to us. We are here to support one another, not blast someone for their feelings. Each of us is different, and takes according time to heal... and I still have "dark days" after 20 years. So to tell J Ra that he is looking for pity is callous and very uncaring and unloving. You pushed the wrong button on this subject with my family and me personally; ALL of us have suffered our own hell, not only those pf us afflicted with TM but our families also, but we're still here because of acceptance, love and tolerance! The latter you need to try I think... J Ra, you have all the support and love from me and my family, we wish the best for you and pray for you and your family.
PS - I lost your email address J Ra, please send it to me... and have a better day... :-)

From: Maggie
Date: 5/21/2010 7:50:01 AM
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

I don't normally post but this one actually made me angry

We don't choose to get TM. It chooses us. Just like other "afflictions" do. There is nothing you can do.

Sorry but you will not get pity from me. This is a time in your life that you need your family and friends. Don't ever hide anything from them. Some may not "get" you or what you are going through but some will. They honestly have no idea. Help them learn!

You need to quit the pity party unless you do want to be alone and miserable and feeling sorry for yourself for the rest of your life.

I made a choice years back. And I am a happier person with a whole different outlook on a life I had to adjust.

Someone said this is a support group. I will support anyone until they give up.

Just remember, you are not the only what out there that is going through what you are. I certainly hope you don't think you are.

Sorry but no pity / sympathy or whatever you want.  I have TM too.


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