
I take 6000 units/day and haven't had any experience like what you're 
describing. Has your doctor confirmed this as a side effect of Omega 3?

Sorry about your pain..........hope you get some relief soon.  I suppose
I mean acute pain, as pain is part of this game...........since the numbness
went away, pain is with me every day.

Keep on fighting........
janh   Stillwater OK

From: Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>
To: "Towery, Ruben Dale" <rdtow...@southernco.com>; "tmic-list@eskimo.com" 
Sent: Fri, June 4, 2010 9:03:11 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Omega 3 and muscle convulsions

My brother just informed me that there is a link between fish oil and nerve 
inflammations.  I have a bad back even before TM  mow it is a neon sign 
inviting any biologically active agent inside.

I was without the fish oil for about 5 days because I had run out.  No spells 
for 8 days.  I got back on the omega 3—which I take for depression—and within a 
couple of days I got a convulsive spell lasting for 6 hours, the worst one yet. 
 Then I awoke this morning and spent another two hours being alternatively as 
stiff as an oak plank to collapsing in a chair.

Has anyone else heard of their being some kind of  link between using high 
dosed of fish oil and exacerbating inflamations?

Dalton Garis
Abu Dhabi/New York


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