Dalton,  May I ask why fish oil?  Is it due to vit. D or something else?  

I had a blood test for vit. D and had about 1/3 of recommended levels.  The 
pain levels decease some as the levels of vit. D increase.  However, I have to 
take 20,000 IU daily of vit. D this is in addition to the vit. D in my women's 
daily vit. and the products and foods I consume that have vit. D naturally and 
infused.  At this level of consumption, I keep the vit. D level at the low end 
of the recommended scale.    

TM is an autoimmune disease and vit. D is very important to the immune system.  

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile. 

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dalton Garis" <malugss...@gmail.com> 
To: "Ruben Dale Towery" <rdtow...@southernco.com>, tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2010 10:03:11 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Omega 3 and muscle convulsions 

My brother just informed me that there is a link between fish oil and nerve 
inflammations.  I have a bad back even before TM  mow it is a neon sign 
inviting any biologically active agent inside. 

I was without the fish oil for about 5 days because I had run out.  No spells 
for 8 days.  I got back on the omega 3—which I take for depression—and within a 
couple of days I got a convulsive spell lasting for 6 hours, the worst one yet. 
 Then I awoke this morning and spent another two hours being alternatively as 
stiff as an oak plank to collapsing in a chair. 

Has anyone else heard of their being some kind of  link between using high 
dosed of fish oil and exacerbating inflamations? 

Dalton Garis 
Abu Dhabi/New York 

On 4/6/10 5:28 PM, "Towery, Ruben Dale" < rdtow...@southernco.com > wrote: 

I just wanted to thank everyone for their responses to my questions. I   
am so happy that I found this email list. 

I wanted to elaborate on myself and how TM has affected my life with   
you guy/gals. 

As I mentioned before I have been dealing with chronic back pain since   
about February of 2009. I saw multiple doctors for this and and a   
bunch of MRI's, other scans, and tons of blood work done and none of   
them could figure out what was going on. Finally back in November my   
rheumatologist and my physical medicine doctor decided, very   
reluctantly I must say, that I had Fibromyalgia. So myself and my wife   
along with my doctors started treating my symptoms as this. Although   
going through this process of treatments, nothing was getting better   
and my upper back was seeming to get worse at times. I just started to   
learn how to deal with the pain and mental aspects associated with the   
Fibromyalgia. During all of this time, I went into a deep depression   
and started having major anxiety and panic attacks and this really   
started affecting my relationships with my wife and kids, and also   
started causing major issues at my work to the point where I was   
almost terminated from my job. Luckily I have a great boss who went to   
bat for me knowing that I had something medical going on that the   
doctors had just not been able to determine yet. Then on April 22 of   
this year, I woke up with numbness, pain, and tinkling in my upper   
legs and buttocks area. I dismissed this as the Fibro had just moved   
to a different location. I drove myself to work and after parking my   
truck in our deck I started walking towards our crosswalk and got to   
where I could no longer control my legs and basically felt paralyzed.   
Two gentleman where nice enough to get my truck for me and I was able   
to drive myself to the emergency room. When I arrive there I was   
having a full blown panic attack and was scared to death. The doctors   
there calmed me down and sent me home and dismissed it as being fibro   
pain. I called my rheumatologist and he told me to see my physical   
medicine doctor. I got in to see him the next day and after an MRI   
they saw the inflamation in my spine and it was located on the conus   
area of my spinal cord. They immediately admitted me into the hospital   
and started me on steroids and did multiple MRI's, a spinal tap, and   
tons of blood work. I spent 4 days there before they sent me home   
under the care of my neurologist. 

After spending time recovering at home and also seeing a nuerology   
specialist at UAB, I was seeming to be getting better. I was able to   
start getting around with the assistance of a cane. After 3 weeks my   
neurologist decided that it would be appropriate for me to drive again   
and go back to work. After a week of this, I was starting to get   
worse. Also during the time I was off work I saw a neuro psychologist   
to try and determine what was going on with me having the memory loss   
and other cognitive issues. After his testing it was determines that I   
am suffering from major anxiety and depression and reccomended I start   
back seeing my psychatrist and psyxhologist to deal with these issues   
and to not return to work or drive until these problems get better. My   
wife, myself and my neurologist decided that staying at home and   
continue recovery, both pysically mentally. My pysical pain has gotten   
worse over the last severla weeks, but I have started my therapy with   
my psychologist and feel like the mental side of things are starting   
to get a little better. I am starting PT and OT today at home and hope   
this will help with my balance and strength in my legs, cause this has   
definitely gotten worse over the last week. 

I justed wanted to elaborate more on myself since people have asked.   
Hope this was not to long, but I am having to learn how to be more   
expressive with my feelings to cope with my problems. I am so glad I   
found this list and feel blessed that I am now a part of it. I would   
just like to ask every one to keep me in your prayers as I start this   
difficult journey to recovery. Thanks again for all of your support. 

Thank you so much. 

Ruben Towery 
Mount Olive, AL (Birmingham, AL) 

Sent from my iPod 

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