i'm stuck and fortunately-- though i didnt think so at the time---- i was stuck away from home in another city but this other city had on demand paratransit and my life felt nearly normal. the paratransit was available 20 hours a day 7 days a week so i could work, teach, go to shows, plays, movies-- and i did-- and also did all my shopping for myself

only at home at last did i become crippled because i can go nowhere, and get nothing.... not even can i be assured of a ride to medical appointments and i had to give up physical therapy because the agency that subsidized the occasional ride rationed services to 3 trips max per month to doctor
only, between the hours of 10 and 2, if you're lucky

so i've been working on creating a paratransit nonprofit after a year of begging, explaining and letter writing. my municipality SUCKS big time-- they're contemplating getting rid of seven firefighters and the firemen are the best first responders here-- faster than the ambulance/911 and waaaaay better
than police..... sorry for the rant

but back to what you asked. call around. if your community is more enlightened than mine, you have either public or private paratransit-- folks to help you get from a to b

hook up with physical therapy asap. if you live in an enlightened place there may be transport
to the therapy ( as there was in Rochester)

There are LOTS of paratransit/lift equipped vehicles in my area, ARC, pathways, school buses, the thing is you, like i, as a former able bodied person who was not in the system, don't fit any of the target populations for help

BUT your community may be smarter and kinder than mine and SO these organizations with vehicles may extend their support to you--- or maybe even your public transport has a service as all the counties surrounding mine do....

so make lists, call, and write AND just in case you live in as unrigorous a place as I do, call every place at least twice if you don't get the answer you want, because the next day the answer may change ( i have a story about filling out a form for transport sending it to the bus company-- a 3 month process only to find out the day before my drs appointment that the pick up service did not serve my city. then spent another 6 months fighting to get the bus company who gets federal funds to do route deviation, to do route deviation and assist me over the grassy media on to the bus
.... i can't use them because after twice making reservations and taking
the bus didn't have tie-down equipment-- two life risking rides is two too many but again, your municipality may be more rigrous, enlightened and suppportive of its physically challenged citizens)



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