Glad I could's amazing, this human body, and what it does
or doesn't do!!
Prior to tm I never thought what 'made' me do one thing or another........but
since tm I've learned that I now have to make demands that I used to do
without thinking........learning to walk again was probably my first surprise--
that I  had to tell my self to put one foot down and then the other, etc
"Ain't life great?"  one reason why laughter is best medicine......for if we don't
laugh, we'll be crying!

From: Janet Dunn <>
To: Jan Hargrove <>;; Janice Nichols <>
Sent: Fri, June 18, 2010 10:11:04 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] The "Sweats"

Hi Jan


Thanks for that info.  I have been in a far infra red sauna and I definitely can “sweat” below my injury.  When in the sauna even the calves of my legs can sweat and I didn’t even know that was possible. That is an induced sweat. 


When my body overheats naturally, it is only from the injury up, now that I think about it.   That is very interesting – I never thought to pay attention before, but that explains why the heat feels like it is only in the top half of my body – I know that at work I sit with heavy socks on, two pairs of woolen slippers and a blanket on my legs, but the window wide open for a breeze as I am hot hot hot from the injury up.  Thanks for bringing that to my attention.  Funny how sometimes we never stop to think about the whole picture!




From: Jan Hargrove []
Sent: June 18, 2010 8:01 AM
To: Janet Dunn;; Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: [TMIC] The "Sweats"




My neuro told me that my temp control would never come back, and that I

would only sweat above where I was attacked, t8.  And, he was correct!!

That was the only thing he told wouldn't be repaired and after 14½ years

I'm a believer!!
I was warned not to stay out in heat for long periods as heat stroke is

possible when your whole body can't sweat........or as a lady, perspire!!


From: Janet Dunn <>
To: Janice Nichols <>;
Sent: Fri, June 18, 2010 12:56:45 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] The "Sweats"


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