I really do believe the theory of sweating only above our damage line.       

From: c...@austin.rr.com 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 7:32 PM
To: Barbara H. ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] The "Sweats"

Barbara......You reminded me of a funny saying we had when I lived in Wyoming. 
"It really never gets cold, but somtimes you don't wear enough clothes" I get 
sweats around my neck and head at night. My pillow is wet every morning. I have 
a remote controlled ceiling fan which is a Godsend for me and my wife...Cody in 
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


From: "Barbara H." <barbara...@gmail.com> 
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 17:53:36 -0400
To: Janice Nichols<jan...@centurytel.net>
Cc: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] The "Sweats"

I can't even go to the grocery store or Wal-Mart without coming back drippy, 
sweaty, hot and tired. Of course, I live in a very hot and humid climate in SC, 
but I see hardly anyone else at the store as red-faced and sweaty as I am. My 
family thinks I keep the house as cold as a meat locker. I tell them they can 
always put on more clothes. :-)

I am thankful we have a ceiling fan in our bedroom in addition to the AC

Barbara H.

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:33 AM, Janice Nichols <jan...@centurytel.net> wrote:

  Would like a count of those bothered with "the sweats"  -  the really hot 
drippy sweats, even when in a relatively cool atmosphere.     My doc calls it
  "disautonomia".     It is the pits.    Have it some in the winter, but it is 
really a problem in the summer.     Anyone else, male or female, have this


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