I find that getting up around 7:30am, having my coffee and watching the Today show for about an hour and then having a fairly busy morning, fixing lunch for hubby and I, resting for a few hours, fixing dinner for us and a quiet evening then bed at 10:30pm, read for about an hour before sleep pretty well does it for me. Of course, my days get changed some by going to lunch with 2 different groups of friends and another group I go to movies with. Then, my hubby will decide I need to get out of the house and we go ride around for a while - after stopping for a "blizzard" from DQ - and check out new areas of town. I must say, I really am "busy" in the mornings with cleaning, ironing, PT exercises, laundry, etc. That pretty well does it for me. I know I am fortunate to be able to walk with a cane and be fairly independent inside of the house. Outside of the house, I use a wheelchair.

From: "Akua" <a...@artfarm.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 2:46 PM
To: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: [TMIC] Fatigue/Cycle

If I can stay asleep until 11:30 am and not get up until 1, I am up until 4 am asleep by 5a.m. --
a 17 hour day --  and feel rested.

If I have to be up at 8a.m. and dressed by 10 a.m. (I'm paralyzed, it takes time) I am exhausted by 4 p.m. in bed by 10 p.m. and unable to fall asleep until 2 am and exhausted when i have to wake up
at 8 am -- a 12 hour day

This may be apropos of nada, but I wonder if others find that recasting/reshaping their sleep/wake
cycles, grants more energy, buys more time.....

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