In the 22 yrs I worked as an RN,I "floated" for 2 of them on the day shift. I 
remember how uncomfortable I was going to ICU,CCU,and especially to rehab. It 
was totally foreign to me!
 Still,I treated everyone the way I would want to be treated,with respect and 
caring. Why else would I be a nurse?
 Believe me,at times it was very hard i.e. when I got things thrown at me (once 
by a doctor!!),when I was kicked,punched,etc. This was in an acute care 
hospital in Springfield MA,about 15 miles from my home.
 I can honestly say,I never disrespected anyone,but lots of the patients 
disrespected me;some were confused (totally not their fault) and some were just 
nasty,mean people.
 I say if you're a nurse or N.A and you can't treat people decently,get out of 
the profession. Unfortunately, a lot of people go into the nursing field 
because it pays well. Too bad they can't somehow screen that type out.
 I'm sorry for all who were mistreated ;it should never happen,ever.


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