
I am able to pray for myself now. Had my second infusion today (strong taste
in back of throat).  Will have three more, each 1000 mg.  that should calm
things down for a while.  What a difference since I stumbled into emergency
yesterday after parking my car out front.  Still had to beg for treatment.
Not ready for prime time!

Thanks, friends.  Your support means a lot for me, living where only one
doctor hs ever even had experience with it, and one dr. thought I was
suffering from a mental defect!


Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
Mobile: +971-50-668-5760

From:  Janice Nichols <jan...@centurytel.net>
Date:  Mon, 11 Apr 2011 09:55:28 -0500
To:  Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>, <rn11...@yahoo.com>
Cc:  tmic <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Re: getting worse

Can not tell you how happy I am for you!      Does this mean I can stop
saying prayers for you?
From: Dalton Garis <mailto:malugss...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2011 6:38 PM
To: rn11...@yahoo.com
Cc: tmic <mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: [TMIC] Re: getting worse
Hey folks!
I got my legs back and most of my coordination! from 1 gram steroid
infusion.  I will take four days of it and will be ok until the next attack,
which hopefully won't be for a while.

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
Mobile: +971-50-668-5760
From: "rn11...@yahoo.com" <rn11...@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 07:07:33 -0700 (PDT)
To: Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>
Cc: tmic <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re:getting worse
   You are in my prayers.
   Just  don't go on working if you really aren't up to it.Getting on
disability  and back to the USA where you can find a good neurologist might
be an  option.
     Cheryl in sunny Easthampton,MA

--- On Sat, 4/9/11, Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> From:  Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>
> Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Asking group experience
> To: "jack...@att.blackberry.net"  <jack...@att.blackberry.net>,  "TMIC"
> <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
> Date:  Saturday, April 9, 2011, 11:08 PM
>  Friends;
> I seem to be getting worse quite  quickly.  pain across the back and all
> the skin iom my arms and  legs up to just above the elbows and knees.  I am
> also having  whole-body contractions, first on the back, then on the  front.
> Unfortunately, the neuro service here is a joke.
> I  could use some prayers, really.  I hope I can still work, but if  things
> continue this way it will be impossible.  The pain and  weakness is just
> too tough to overcome.  Actually, I am now  thinking I must shift to a
> wheelchair, one where I can use my feet to  mve around in, since my arms
> are now too weak for much more than  typing and dresing.
> Thanks, for keeping me in your tooughts and  prayers,
> Dalton
> Dalton Garis
> Abu Dhabi, UAE
> Mobile:  +971-55-800-6619
> On 4/8/11 9:35 PM, "wlmailhtml:/mc/compose?to=jack...@att.blackberry.net"
> <wlmailhtml:/mc/compose?to=jack...@att.blackberry.net>  wrote:
>> >Hi Everyone!
>> >I have been reading ,haven't  posted in a while.
>> >I hope Spring time is helping  everyone.
>> >I would like 2 know what tests - blood work etc your  dr's order for you
>> >during the year. I am on baclofen  ,topamax.  Still with pain especially
>> >at night. as well as  back pain and shrinking in right leg. Am wheelchair
>> >bound for  most part with exception of toddler table walking (last  few
>> >months) tm in july 07. I read most know where t this or t  that. I didn't
>> >know that until I started this group as I was  never told the area of
>> >where my tm hit. I do know I have to take  responsibility for me. What do
>> >I need to ask for. In my area and  now medical coverage
>> > I am  limited.  I have learned a  lot from you guys.
>> >Never realized that tm causes clinical  depression.
>> >Anyone know or have experience with hpt5. Or natural  supplements for
>> >depression. I was on effexor then prozac now  nothing. Feeling DOWN and
>> >don't want to spiral down again just as  spring is here. May have rambled
>> >a bit - thanks 4 being out  there!!
>> >Sent via BlackBerry by  AT&T

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