Pleased to meet you, Jeff;

Your story has some similarities with my own.

I was working as a construction lineman in 1970, when I fell the last 30
feet of a 95 footer, climbing down.  Smashed the lower back, was paralyzed
in the left leg, bladder and some other stuff for a while, until a series of
operations brought motor control back.  It left me with lots of permanent
difficulties and some episodic ones that were just as bad.  But I could
walk, got an education, and finally settled in much later on, as associate
professor of economics.

A year and a half ago, after flue-like symptoms, I awoke one morning and had
lost control of my lower left side‹the side paralyzed after the accident.  I
got mostly better; then had another similar attack six weeks later.  Then
another one in another six weeks.  MS, right?  I then started having
seizure-like attacks.  My entire back side would contract; then the front
side would contract, again.  I couldn't breathe during the contractions and
turned beet-red in the face.  Sometimes I awoke from sleep not being able to
breathe without sitting up, and have also had trouble getting the swallowing
thing to work sometimes.  I might wake up all sweaty and very sore, having
had an attack during sleep.

After the first attack of contractions I was diagnosed with Transverse
Myelitis by an Indian doctor with lots of experience.  They didn't take
spinal taps or MRIs because I have 7 fusions and steel rods in the back, so
they were relying on his considerable experience.

The following summer doctors at Columbia-Presbyterian, who were able to
perform MRIs but not a spinal tap,  were not so sure that it was ever TM or
MS.  They didn't find any spinal or brain lesions, but only some "anomalies"
in the brainstem.  I still have these severe episodes of seizure-like
symptoms‹the EEG found no obvious epilepsy, but suggested that as a
possibility‹that get worse under any kind of physical or mental stress.  TM
doesn't hold on like that after the acute stage has passed, I'm told.

Stiff Person Syndrome? MS? Chronic Lyme disease? Lead paint and mercury
poisoning from childhood? Exposure to solvents in the workplace?  Don't
know.  I do know that I have real symptoms and need real results to deal
with them.

Thankfully, the medications that treat one of these CNS conditions are also
used in treating all the others, and mostly make life bearable.  I have this
sack of physical difficulties; as long as the meds take care of the problem
then I'll let the medical existentialists worry about names and origins.
For me, the expensive, painful, frustrating and time-consuming medical
odyssey to find out what it is, isn't worth the cost, as long as they
already have reasonable certainty that it is likely something like "a," or
"b," and the treatment regime is working, even working just so-so; because
if they do find out exactly what it is, the meds will still work only so-so.
That's a certainty, as we will never be symptom-free as we once were.

I am in full agreement with my neurologist's theory‹now supported to some
extent by your story‹that a combination of physical damage from the accident
and follow-on spinal difficulties simply overloaded the central nervous
system's ability to cope.  There could also have been some brainstem damage
from lead paint in the house, and mercury poisoning, since Mother was unable
to keep me from playing in the big pile of coal across the street.  So, when
a mild case of TM came along, that was all that was needed to take me down,
like going from fiber-optic broadband to copper wire dial-up.  And now, I'm
not getting any younger, nor any slimmer, putting even more pressure on

So, it is not likely only one thing at this point, but a combination of the
accident, TM, heavy metals, head injuries‹did I mention those?‹and the aging
process.  Throw in a little spinal arthritis, and then those insignificant
daily strains, one after another, are enough to give days of pain and

I hope this helps.  There do seem to be a number of us who have experienced
serious or life-changing accidental physical damage to our spines who have
gone on to develop TM, don't there?

Let me know if I can share anything more,


Dalton H. Garis
Associate Professor of Economics
And Petroleum Market Behavior
The Petroleum Institute
P.O. Box 2533, Umm al Nar
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
Mobile: +971-50-668-5760

From:  jeff bernier <>
Date:  Wed, 1 Jun 2011 07:24:06 -0700 (PDT)
To:  <>, <>
Subject:  [TMIC] the run around
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Wed, 1 Jun 2011 07:24:58 -0700

hello,i havnt posted on here in years,recognise most of you and see alot of
new names,just thought i would throw this out there and see what you all
in feb 2000,i fell through a staircase fighting a fire and landed on my
heels,i had a shockwave go up my spine and went over on my head.had no
sighns of numbness or the pins and needles untill 3 weeks later,it got so
bad i started falling on my face and became so weak the wheelchair was the
only other option,i was given all the ms test and came up neg,but they found
lesions on my c spine and were extremely quick to call what i had transverse
myelitis ( inflamation of the spinal chord ).through the course of 5 years,i
went through all the crap that comes with ms,everything from
spasms,bladderdisfunct,sexual problems etc etc and experienced every range
of emotion there 2005 i was dx with ms after a positive lp and a small
lesion on the brain,the lesions on the c spine were gone and i thought i was
finally going to get some answers.well in jan i had a repeat mri done and
found the spot on the brain is still there,but was told the spinal fluid
they took in 2005 showed no sighns of demyl and they changed my dx back to how frustrating is that? 11 years,22 doctors,3 major hospital centers
and 15 therapy centers later to be put back to square 1 with still no
answers.what a circus.

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