
I am sooooo sorry.     I know you loved your work.    You just had too much 
working against you.    
Hang in there and who knows what will pop up in your life.    Things happen for 
a reason and we never know what is ahead of us.


From: Dalton Garis 
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 7:17 AM
To: Carol E ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hello

Hi Carol;

This is Dalton.  I just got terminated today.  It seems I couldn't overcome the 
pull of TM, and my classroom work—that of which I was most proud—suffered.  I 
have three months' notice.  Last year they lightened the load and I did OK, but 
they said I worked too little.  This year I taught three courses, teaching 
every day, and the pain, fatigue and med-head just made every day agony.  It 
showed and the students complained.  So, that's it.

Up till now they have been very nice.  But they don't keep persons around who 
can't pull the whole load.

Not the way I wanted to go out.



From: Carol E <snow121...@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 09:43:34 -0500
To: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: [TMIC] Hello
Resent-From: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 07:44:27 -0700

Just testing to see if I am still on the list.  I'm not receiving messages.


Worrying does not empty 
tomorrow of its troubles;
It empties today of its strengths. 

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