Thank you all for the very quick response to my question about the Shingles
vaccine.  I wanted to reply individually to you all but somehow the computer
won't allow me to access the 15 people who tagged on to Dalton's email.

The results indicate some interesting things.

1)  Neuro's and Doctors ask us again and again if we had a flu shot prior to
the onset of TM.  When you directly addressed the question to them--"Did
they think the TM was caused by the flu shot they were evasive.  But YOU
think that the questioning indicates that they thought it did.

2) More of you got the flu shot than didn't.  I did too.  Our reasons were
the same.  We were afraid of a devastating bout of flu since our systems are

3) The majority of you said NO to the shingles shot, even those who had had
the disease (It is really bad with terrible burning blisters that take a
month or more to go away) said they would rather risk having the disease
than possibly have the shot upset their immune system.

So thank you to all, I WILL NOT GET THE SHINGLES SHOT!


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