Janet I am sorry to hear of your new found favor this body can offer.

another day, another day, and yet tomorrow is another day.

WE are a special breed. Few get to experience what we experience.

though we hate it we endure it.

My Dad was telling another Dr that he had to see, whom I went to school with, 
of my condition, and the good Dr looked at Dad sideways remarking of how rare 
this situation is.

Being the baby of our family I always thought i was special but good Lord help 
me not THIS special!

keep your chin up,,people like you are few and far between.

I pray your body finds a way to dissolve and resolve this new issue.

Tomorrow will be better!

 From: "celr...@aol.com" <celr...@aol.com>
To: j.d...@shaw.ca; tmic-list@eskimo.com; tmic-l...@eskimo.net 
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] New MRI results

I am so sorry to hear the news-would a round of steroids help?  
Jane/Splendora Tx
In a message dated 12/14/2011 3:12:51 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
j.d...@shaw.ca writes:
Hello  Everybody
>I have  had TM and the various symptoms of since August of 2004.  I have a 
>lesion  on my spine at T4-5.  There are a few issues with that, put I have 
>been  managing.  Take my meds, keep my stress down, rest, - you all know the  
>I was  doing so well that this summer I actually began to wear “proper ladies  
>shoes”  - including a pair of boots with a 1.5 inch heel – a sturdy heel,  but 
>a heel none the less.  I was weaning down on my meds – life was grand  to say 
>the least.
>Then in  October my feet began to tingle when I dried them with a towel.  I 
>really  didn’t think too much of it until that feeling moved up the legs.  I 
>went  to visit my daughter in Victoria in the beginning of November, and found 
>that  the right leg (the troubled one) would give out quite easily, and I 
>would tire  out.   I got back to my home town and went to see my Doc.  He  
>sent me for an MRI.  And this is the news I want to share.  It is  rather a 
>“good” news, “bad” news situation.
>The MRI  showed that the lesion of the cord at T4-5 were somewhat technically  
>different, and the cord is somewhat attenuated (squished) .  Essentially  the 
>clinical changes, and the subtle increased signal at the t4 – 5 levels do  not 
>present any significant change, and not of clinical  significance.
>However,  the report continues, there is a  hemangioma at t4 and t7.   
>Basically a growth on the spinal cord.  And that of course is pushing on  the 
>cord itself which in turn is causing all the extra pain, and the return of  
>all the burning that I am experiencing, as well as the numbness that is  
>creeping up my abdomen.  Wonder when it will stop, and what kind of  damage 
>will it inflict before it does.  Two months ago you would have had  no idea 
>that I had a chronic illness with bothersome side effects – today you  do not 
>see me very far away from a cane.
>The  joys, the joys.  Anyone ever heard of this and the outcome?  Anyone  
>going to see anybody at John Hopkins or at the Mayo?  I am supposed to be  
>seeing a neurologist again but that could take a year.  
>So  whether there is a clinical significance or not, there is definitely a  
>physical significance, and I really don’t care for it!
>Thanks  for “listening”  - that is why I love this list, and the people on  it.
>Janet  Dunn
>Fort St  John BC

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