We don't think you're crazy;

Make yourself as comfortable as you can, arrange things, and await freedom
from this dark and narrow existence and into that illumined, pure existence
that endures forever.

And wait for us, your friends; we're right behind you!!!



From:  "rn11...@yahoo.com" <rn11...@yahoo.com>
Reply-To:  "rn11...@yahoo.com" <rn11...@yahoo.com>
Date:  Saturday, 5  January 2012 4:49 PM
To:  tmic <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject:  [TMIC] cancer vs tm
Resent-From:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-Date:  Sat, 5 May 2012 13:53:44 -0700

  As many of you know I was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer last year
(spread to bones). No surgery,radiation,or chemo.Just an anti hormonal pill
daily.Just had a PET/cat scan and it is markedly improved. I possibly can
survive for years this way.

So,I was thinking. If I could have a choice,what would I choose?
I would keep the cancer.

 I have such terrible burning in my legs,the banding around my trunk is
awful,and I'm just so sick of this crap. I hate having no real life
anymore;wake up with pain,suffer all day,and go to sleep in pain.
Nothing helps. 
I know that those of you with tm will understand this; I think if I posted
this at the breast cancer sites I belong to,they would think I'm crazy.
Thanks for listening. Hope you are all doing well.

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