Pattie V:  It has been a little over 2 yrs since I have gone to my neuro.
The last time she said I had enough MRI's over the last couple of years,
and didn't need anotherl.  She also said I didn't need to see her unless
there was a change or new symptoms, which there hasn't been.  My primary
has renewed my Rx.  Fortunately I don't need pain meds as yet.  I also saw
the PA the last time I went a couple of months ago.  I like her as much as
I do my regular doctor.  In many cases the PA is just as knowledgeable.

It is obvious that your new primary wanted to send business to her neuro

Patti in Wisconsin

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 8:53 PM, <> wrote:

> I had the same neurologist for first five years of TM.  I had several
> MRI's and he was satisfied that I didn't have MS (TM left me with cognitive
> problems).  I had been on the same medications for two years, my primary
> said he would renew my rx when needed, and I didn't feel the need to
> contnue seeing my neuro (140 mile round trip).
> That worked for another two years until my primary moved and his
> replacement refused to write my rx for the Lyrica and Baclofen.  She
> referred me to her neuro buddy, but I made an appointment with another
> neuro whom I had heard was "the best" from one of his MS patients.
> The new Neuro agreed with my med regime, agreed that there was no need for
> MRI's, and agreed that I didn't need to see him oftener than annually
> unless I had neurological changes.  The new neuro also understood my
> frustraton with a primary who would not renew my Lyrica and Baclofen rx.
> I never went back to that primary and have since seen a Physicians
> Assistant for my regular illnesses.
> I didn't think I needed a neurologist.  However, I realize that as long as
> I need Baclofen and Lyrica and it is wise to have one available.
> Patti V. - Michigan

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