Um, Jude . . .
May the God you worship lighten your load, that you may still carry on, without being broken.  For with His help - we can all manage. 

On 22/01/2013 11:19 PM, Janet Dunn wrote:
Jude - I am truly sorry to learn about Dave.

Your question was on stress and TM and how it affects one.

I have found that any, repeat, any amount of stress sends me up and over the edge, around the bend, bonkers, psycho, or whatever you wish to call it.

In November I deliberately stopped all meds cold turkey (yes, I know, bad idea) - after about a week I knew I would live.  I have the same pain level now as I did when I was taking effexor, welbutrin, quetiapine, lyrica, oxycontin, and flexeril.

At this point I am only taking oxy at night to cope with the pain so I can sleep - except tonight it isn't working so I added some Lyrica.  Yesterday and today were stressful days for me, plus my roommate is giving me grey hair.  lol.  So for me - a little stress is as detrimental as a lot.

May you and yours find your way through this dark night of the soul, and I love what Dalton said to you: 

"Is there any Remover of Difficulties save God?  Say: Praised be God!  He is God!  All are His servants and all abide by His bidding."

May the God you worship remove your difficulties.


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