On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 09:56:49AM -0700, Micah Cowan wrote:
> (05/18/2011 08:01 AM), Randy Stauner wrote:
> > I have tried to recreate this according to your steps and it
> > does not happen to me, things look as you would expect them. I
> > tried zsh as well--no change.
> > 
> > It does seem odd that even the prompt disappears in your
> > example.
> > 
> > This probably won't help, but might be worth a try: Try putting
> > this line in your ~/.vimrc: set t_ti= t_te=
> > 
> > That tells vim, also, not to clear the screen (like
> > alternate-screen off).
> > 
> > Does that change anything?
> If it doesn't, then Randy perhaps you could run your entire
> session under the "script" command? Fire off the tmux command
> "neww script" and then attach (not copy/paste) the transcript to a
> response? If you don't have "script", then use pipe-pane to "cat >
> ~/typescript" or something.

Ooh, script, good idea.

OK, new set of tests.  My .screenrc is completely removed, my
tmux.conf consists solely of 

  rpowell@ut00-s00000> cat ~/.tmux.conf            
  set-window-option -g alternate-screen off

Launching completely fresh screen/tmux, I run script, I do the seq,
I do vim, I exit.  I have cofirmed that under these conditions the
problem persists for me.  This is all on one machine, with
consistent versions of everything.

Huh.  My tmux.conf doesn't seem to actually *work*; I have to
manually do a ":set-window-option alternate-screen" when I launch
tmux for it to actually be set correctly.  That's a bit odd, isn't
it?  So in the tmux case there's a step for that, before running




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