>My Unix admin life is a hell since I installed RedHat 7.1 in 
>Ireland and
>it's so freakin' complicated everytime I have to 
>build/add/remove stuff that

If you remember when you were looking for a Redhat distro when
in England some weeks ago, I recommand you not to grab the RH 7.1
but stay with RH 6.2

>I'm SERIOUSLY considering to dump it in favour of something 
>like the Solaris
>packaging tools (pkgadd/pkgrm). Too bad that it's kinda hard 
>to recompile
>them for something != than solaris, but those toys are a real 
>bliss, and,
>IMVHO RPM cannot compete.

May be I could help you here. What's problems you encounter with rpm ?

Just take a look at ftp://ftp.falsehope.com/home/gomez/ and
you'll find many SOURCE RPMs ready to use ? Java and native ...

But I package RPMs for years and may be that's why I find it 
so easy ;)

>But as always, those are preferences (let's not start another 
>or KDE vs. GNOME battle)


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