"James Williamson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I gladly will (or have done), in fact I've rewritten mod_webapp which
> resolves the common complains:
> 1) How can I get Apache to serve static content and Tomcat dynamic content

Good... Patch...

> 2) 404 Apache errors

When Tomcat is started _before_ Apache? Good... Patch...

> 3) Using mod_rewrite and other Apache rewriting mechanisms

Great... Patch....

> I take it you're no longer interested in supporting/developing this
> connector, I really don't mind taking over this
> responsibility since I could really do with getting these patches tested.

I didn't say that... I just said that for what matters to me (meaning, for
what I use it, it works allright)... That's far from saying that I'm no
longer interested on it... If you have patches, I'll be more than glad to
review and incorporate....

> Other things I've nearly resolved are Windows compatibility and the mod_ssl
> issue. Let me know what your thoughts are.

Windows compatibility, did you use the new APR locking mechanism or the old
one? Mod_SSL, I don't use it... :)


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