Jean-Francois Arcand wrote:
Remy Maucherat wrote:
commons-launcher: Problem; I think I did release 0.9 with Patrick Luby a long time ago, and the component has been dead since. Reviving it and putting a websiter up could help, but it's not certain. This piece of code was developed for the Sun web services pack 1.0 originally. Does anyone use it anymore ? Can it be removed (in favor of native wrappers) ? I have to admit it was quite nice, so I'd rather not have to remove it.

Yes, jwsdp 1.2 is still using it. I also think we should keep it.

Cool. IMO it's good enough to be released, and quite useful :) So we need to do a release then.

Watchdog: (to the Sun folks) Where is Watchdog 5 (or whatever it's called) ?

I'm unaware of such packages (but I will double check).

Well, there must be something to test the new specs, right ? Esp JSP 2.0 ...


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