Remy Maucherat wrote:

> In this email, I forgot to speak about other commons (and others)
> dependencies. Thanks for all the volunteering, BTW, it really helps
> (damn day job ...) :)

+1 :-)

> JMX: I think we should try to ship with JMX 1.2 + a JSR 160
> implementation if possible. I really hope MX4J will be able to provide
> that.

I think we must ship with JMX1.2 - AFAIK MX4J is close, but it may be better
to use JMX-RI for this one. If I remember the terms on the licence are
different from the previous one - but someone should confirm if we can
redistribute it.

> Tyrex: This project seems dead (unfortunately) :-( We could replace it
> with some other TM, or (I like that one better) not provide an object
> factory implementation for UserTransaction by default, and let third
> parties provide it. That model seems to work great for J2EE providers
> (JOTM, OpenEJB, etc).

+1 on no TM. If someone needs a TM - he can choose whatever fits. This will
also reduce the size of tomcat :-)

> Struts: We need 1.1 ! (I think the rest of the world does also :-D)
> Watchdog: (to the Sun folks) Where is Watchdog 5 (or whatever it's called)
> ?
> Remy


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