Remy Maucherat wrote:

Another thing is that we might want to write the next Tomcat for JDK


Anything specific in JDK 1.5?  We already spoke a bit about NIO in some
form, but that's JDK 1.4.

Annotations :) (I saw EJB 3)
I have to assume we're going to have some annotations defined in the spec, hence the requirement for JDK 1.5. Of course, this is speculation on this point.


IMHO, 1.5 would be the right way to go. For me mostly for performance, and cleaner code reasons (generics, auto-boxing, enums, etc.).
However, from what i remember from reading about NIO, it can enable much fewer threads to handle the same amount of requests. I was left with the impression that it could improve performance, although i also remember that members of this list wasn't convinced from the beginning. I'd appreciate any feedback on why NIO is not a good idea.

2 cents from the little guy...


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