Graham Leggett wrote:

Mladen Turk wrote:

I don't think that it is necessary for a mod_ajp to be included inside the
mod_proxy, although they are sharing some common concepts.

I think it's very necessary - sharing those common concepts ultimately makes for doing things in a consistent way. It makes a big difference to the usability of httpd.

Right now proxy is able to talk HTTP and FTP (and CONNECT, but it's a special case). It makes the most sense for AJP to be added to these three protocols, as there is already an established way to do this.

Consistency is very important.

Having load
balancer on top of mod_proxy would be a nice feature, but the main purpose
for them is different.

Different to what? Load balancing is load balancing, whether the backend protocol is HTTP, AJP or FTP.

I see no point on making significant effort in a feature that can only be used for one protocol, that's a huge waste of an opportunity to solve the load balancing problems of backends other than tomcat.

The purpose of mod_ajp is to communicate with the (one or more of them in a
cluster) application servers using ajp13+ protocol; simple as that. Proxy
module has a conceptually different approach, and it is meant to be used for
different purposes.

I rewrote proxy, so I know - proxy has the exact same conceptual approach and is used for the exact same purposes. Proxy allows you to communicate with (one or more in a cluster) applications servers using HTTP or FTP. The only difference is the protocol.

The development of proxy_ajp could see the development of modules like proxy_loadbalance or proxy_sticky, which have general application outside of the AJP protocol.

Make sense of course. And if proxy_loadbalance and proxy_sticky are somewhat configurable, it will be to the benefits all of Apache 2 users, dependless HTTP/FTP/AJP.

BTW, could we expect to be able to use in proxy_ajp URL like
ajp://VIRTUALNAME, where VIRTUALNAME could be the name of an
AJP cluster backend ?

Also could we expect the handling of failure via mod_proxy + proxy_xxx , ie: when a tomcat respond 503 or 400, to be able to switch to another
tomcat in the cluster. It's a mandatory feature for now.

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