I committed a few things:
- The new deployer is getting there. Missing is the support for the manager webapp, but this won't be too hard to write.
- I redid partially the naming. Now the NamingResource object is the main object, and Context is not polluted.

My list is:
- Update manager webapp, and add support for it in HostConfig (incl JMX registration).
- Remove Deployer and DefaultContext. The new stuff looks like a better replacement.
- HTML host manager servlet (allows easily creating host and preconfiguring them - ex: with the manager webapp installed, and a default context file).
- Try to optimize startup time, if possible.
- As mentioned in my commit message, I don't think the dynamic updates to the naming environment are useful. The code which does that is relatively complex (although it's not as bad as before with the ResourceParams). My opinion is that if something is not useful, then it should go ;) Any comments on that fancy feature ?
- I'll have a lot of work updating the docs now :-P (I guess the fun is nearly over :( )
- The admin webapp will need some tweaks after removing the DefaultContext.

The commit message on my last commit didn't seem to go through, so here it is:
- As I discussed earlier, switch to a nicer looking syntax for naming stuff, using setAllProperties. This simplifies the code a lot.
- Example:
<Resource name="UserDatabase" auth="Container"
description="User database that can be updated and saved"
pathname="conf/tomcat-users.xml" />
- Remove the horrible ResourceParams, and add new objects for transaction and resourceRefs.
- At the same time, big cleanup of the code.
- Removing the (completely useless) facading the Context was doing for the NamingResources object. This is something I couldn't do
in 4.1.x because we didn't want to change the API. The last thing I didn't remove is some messaging stuff. What's that ?
- Some tweaking will likely be needed (for example, the save-to-XML code needs to save all the extra properties). However, a lot
of stuff won't need to be adjusted, as it was using NamingResources (I don't think the naming support in the admin webapp is going
to need anything).
- I'm wondering how useful it is to be able to dynamically update the associated naming context. I think we should remove that, and
just reload the webapp (since I think most webapps won't be able to handle dynamic changes in the ENC). I'll post about that in my
next progress email.


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