----- Original Message -----
From: "Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [5.next] Progress, more ideas and native connector benchmarks

Some updates ...

Remy Maucherat wrote:

>> * Default global and per-host configurations:
>> - conf/<engine>/<host>/context.xml.default
>> - conf/<engine>/<host>/web.xml.default
>> - conf/context.xml
>> - conf/web.xml
>> This will lead to the removal of the DefaultContext interface, since
>> this will fully replace the functionality (while being very simple to
>> implement and actually complete functionality wise; I have no idea why
>> I never thought of doing it this way, since the default web.xml is
>> implemented like that). For the admin webapp support for
>> DefaultContext, we would simply need to register a Context instance in
>> JMX with the usual DefaultContext MBean name, and tweak a little.
>So I'll now proceed with removing DefaultContext and creating the new

Actually, admin doesn't really handle DC now, so anything would be an
improvement there :).

>> * HTML host manager servlet (allows easily creating host and
>> preconfiguring them - ex: with the manager webapp installed, and a
>> default context file). I think this would be useful (?).
>My next "big" item :)
>> * The other features I mentioned earlier: startup time optimization,
>> removal of stuff which isn't used (such as container listeners).
>In other features, I added package renaming for DBCP. It is less useful
>with Ant IMO. I'll experiment a little, although untangling the javac
>task seems rather hard ;)

It certainly made Gump unhappy :).


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