Mladen Turk wrote:

Well, the way I see (think that Henri has the similar ideas) is to have the
ajp protocol lib, usable to communicate to TC from any container, not only
http server, and mod_ajp as a layer on top of it _only_ for Apache 2.0
branch _and_only_ if the proxy_ajp doesn't get back propagated from 2.1

I agree with

I don't agree we need to develop new connector for apache2.0. If we can't get it backported to 2.0 - then we can just provide a separate build ( mod_proxy21 ).

So from the start we know what the final goal is, and what the life cycle of
it would be. The code itself (at least the ajp protocol library) will not be
a waste, cause we'll use it for both proxy_ajp and any later bizarre usage.
To effectively test the new ajp code we need some framework, simple enough
and Apache2 centric. We could use the current mod_proxy for that, but it's
current design need some changes to be able to support that, and BTW I'm
working on that together with Graham, but even he can not say for sure it's
going to be in 2.0 branch.

There is also a question of development infrastructure, cause we cannot use
the httpd-cvs for that, so we'll need to make some compromises, writing few
lines of code twice, and hope that somone will apply the patch :).

We can very well put a copy of mod_proxy in our cvs while it is experimental - and give Graham access. The module can be tested/developed with both apache20 and 21.

I don't think infrastructure is the biggest problem. We are all on apache.

My concern is that we are just repeating the history of the first 4 connectors - by writting some initial code that solves the easy problem ( sending requests to tomcat ), and hoping the rest can be added without getting back to spaghetti.

Well, the only thing you can not beat is the time. It (the time) has a
strange side effect to make the things older. I clearly remember a day when
I stood speechless in front of a VAX mainframe with 1MB of RAM, wondering
who will ever need that and for what.

My point was that repeating a mistake 4 times should be enough, we don't need a 5th repetition of the same history.


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