Noam Camiel wrote:

Hi folks,
A week's gone by and all seems fine.  Server is stable and working properly.
Thanks for all who helped out! Ryan, Remi Yoav and Arthur, many thanks.
It may be a good idea to document this for others who may stumble over this
All the best
Noam Camiel

Problem: Tomcat Server becomes unresponsive to new requests after several
hours, regardless of load.
OS RH9; Tomcat 4 or 5; VM Sun or IBM (JDK 1.4)
Solve: (tcsh): setenv LD_ASSUME_KERNEL 2.2.5

Thanks :) Very good news :)

I think I'll need to add that in the release notes (and putting it in the FAQ would be good as well). Very weird symptoms, though. The only explanation for the bug is if the thread waiting on the socket just vanishes (there's no way it can go out of the blocking accept loop otherwise - I reviewed that quite extensively ;-)).

Q: would the assume kernel 2.4 work as well ? I believe it would, but it could be worth confirming it eventually. This is not critical, obviously.

Rémy Maucherat
Senior Developer & Consultant
JBoss Group (Europe) SàRL

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