Craig R. McClanahan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Richard Draucker wrote:
>> The following is a cut'n paste from "tomcat/doc/uguide/tomcat_ug.html".
>> If you have tomcat installed, look for this doc and provide this text to your
>> sys admin.  
>> Setting Tomcat to Cooperate with the Apache Web Server
>> Tomcat is not as fast as Apache when it comes to static pages.  Tomcat is not
>> as configurable as Apache.  Tomcat is not as robust as Apache.
> Don't believe everything you read ... even in the Tomcat docs :-).
> There is no cut-and-dried answer whether Tomcat standalone or
> Tomcat+Apache will run faster for *you*.  There are far too many variables
> for simplistic answers to always be accurate.  The best thing to do is try
> your application both ways and see.
> Just a few examples of how real life confounds answering a question
> like this:  :-)
> [...]

Well, to be completely honest, and being the author of 2 out of 3 apache
connectors to Tomcat, I am a _BIG_ fan of using Tomcat in stand-alone mode.
Unless you don't specifically require some of the Apache functionalities,
run it stand alone, might be slightly slower in some cases, but far more

Actual improvements can be achieved using JNI and a multi-threaded
web-server such as Apache 2.0, but AFAIK, for Tomcat 4.0 we're still far
from that... :(

Ok, I'm working on it :) :)


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