At 05:19 PM 7/30/2001, you wrote:
>Of course, there are many non-performance-related reasons you might be
>required to use Apache in conjunction with Tomcat (if you need the other
>functionality that it provides).  But, if you don't, you owe it to
>yourself to see if Tomcat stand-alone runs fast enough before undertaking
>the extra pain it takes to configure them to run together.

I don't consider it that painful. It's hardly a pain at all.
It involves adding an include to apache's httpd.conf. You still
have to do all the configuration stuff in tomcat anyway.
But I've heard from more than one that Tomcat is faster. So
there's that. But if security is an issue for you I have a hard
time believing that Tomcat is as secure as Apache.

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