Hi, Sorry mail client got corrupted, so just copied your mail and
see inline for answers

For Peter:

>Are you using tomcat 4.0.3 _ jdk1.4 on Solaris?
NOPE!! Using Linux 6.1 RH

>1. pages with lots of tags (50+) do not perform well under load
>2. pages with 100+ tags may not compile due to 64K per method limitation
>in Java. This particular issue is currently being address by a couple
>developers and should be fixed in 4.1.x.
I understand that there will be a performance degradation when tag
libraries are used.But still the same page must be in the
same range right??
>3. deeply nested try/catch statements result in rapid performance
degredation under load

Well, maybe i need to check the tag''''s code for nested try/catch
I don''''t remember adding any, anyway will check this.

>There are a couple things that will improve the situation. When tomcat
>4.0.4 comes out, it has a recent patch which fixes deeply nested
try/catch. Also, tomcat 4.0.4 has a new httpconnector called coyote.
>Together the performance improves dramatically such that the number of
>concurrent requests triples. Also, the response time improves

Maybe I will try with 4.0.4& 4.1.3

>significantly. If you''re page still performs poorly, try breaking it up
>into include files and use action include instead of include directive.
>I.e use <c:import> or <jsp:include>, instead of <%@ include %>. I hope
>that helps.
But using includes/forwards will increase the performance load, rather
than decreasing it. B''''cos the request handler has to process
the request and there is always an overhead in using includes

Euclides:(thought i sent it not sure so just reposting)

>Hi. It seems very strange. you ve got very differents response time, from 90
>up 2200 ms!!! Do you have any other kind of service running and wasting your
>cpu or io service?
NOPE!!! Just tomcat.
I have even removed other web applications b'cos they seem 
to affect the performance of tomcat.

>Regards, Euclides.



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