I went to 4.1.7 yesterday, I tjhought hey this will all work because the 
.tar.gz has the commons jars already wrapped up in it, yay this will all 
work great just by getting the new stuff. so I downloaded it got it up and 
running, and then added the new DBTest context as specified to the 

watched the log hopefully, then......

exact same error in the log file, is the some little step that I may have 


-----Original Message-----
From:   Jacob Kjome [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, July 08, 2002 7:04 PM
To:     Tomcat Users List
Subject:        Re: going crazy with DBCP

Try using Tomcat 4.1.3 or 4.1.7 (not anything in between because I think
DBCP was broken for a bit there).  Everything should work just great.


At 04:36 PM 7/8/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>I will pay someone to help me at this point, I am not rich but I know when
>to admit when need help. I am basically at the end of my rope trying to 
>dbcp to work, I have been over
>about one hundred times, basically it's impossible to get the exact
>configuration that he speaks of, like some of the commons stuff I couldn't
>find those versions, anyway it would really suprise me if those EXACT
>versions are the only ones that work.
>I tried to install the RPM 4.0.4 version of tomcat and the webapps, but I
>could not get the manager to work, so I went back to 4.0.2. Is there such 
>difference between 4.0.2 and to point versions that it causes this stuff 
>fail? Is the only way to get DBCP to work is to actually build tomcat from
>source? Anyway I have done the best I can and spent two days configuring,
>this where I am at:
>tomcat 4.0.2 full
>mysql 4.0.1-2
>mm.mysql-2.0.14-bin.jar in $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib
>commons-collections-2.0 - commons-collections.jar in
>commons-dbcp-20020707.tar.gz - commons-dbcp.jar in $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib
>commons-pool-20020707.tar.gz - commons-pool.jar in $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib
>added to server.xml
><!--  the data source added by Clay-->
><Context path="/DBTest" docBase="DBTest" debug="5" reloadable="true"
>       <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
>               prefix="localhost_DBTest_log." suffix=".txt"
>               timestamp="true"/>
>       <Resource name="jdbc/TestDB" auth="Container"
>       <ResourceParams name="jdbc/TestDB">
>       <parameter>
>         <name>factory</name>
>         <value>org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory</value>
>       </parameter>
>       <parameter><name>maxActive</name><value>100</value></parameter>
>       <parameter><name>maxIdle</name><value>30000</value></parameter>
>       <parameter><name>maxWait</name><value>100</value></parameter>
>       <parameter><name>username</name><value>tomcat</value></parameter>
>       <parameter><name>password</name><value>password</value></parameter>
>      <parameter>
>        <name>driverClassName</name><value>org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver</value>
>      </parameter>
>     <parameter>
>       <name>url</name><value>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test</value>
>     </parameter>
>   </ResourceParams>
>when tomcat is started i get the following log errors:
>2002-07-08 16:14:38 StandardContext[/DBTest]: Starting
>2002-07-08 16:14:38 StandardContext[/DBTest]: Processing start(), current
>2002-07-08 16:14:38 StandardContext[/DBTest]: Configuring default 
>2002-07-08 16:14:38 StandardContext[/DBTest]: Error initializing 
>Document base /home/tomcat/jwsdp-1_/webapps/DBTest does not exist or is 
>a readable directory
>2002-07-08 16:14:38 StandardContext[/DBTest]: Configuring non-privileged
>default Loader
>2002-07-08 16:14:38 StandardContext[/DBTest]: Configuring default Manager
>2002-07-08 16:14:38 StandardContext[/DBTest]: Processing standard 
>2002-07-08 16:14:38 StandardContext[/DBTest]: Context startup failed due 
>previous errors
>2002-07-08 16:14:38 StandardContext[/DBTest]: Exception during cleanup
>after start failed
>LifecycleException:  Container StandardContext[/DBTest] has not been
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(StandardServic
>         at
>         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(Catalina.java:504)
>         at 
>         at 
>         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>         at
>         at
>         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
>         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:203)
>         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>         at
>I am not an expert, but I feel like I have to be to get DBCP to work....
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