In EDG, I have a class "Spring", on which a parameter "srate" of type float 
should be defined.  It has a default value. In addition, this parameter 
should also carry some metadata, e.g. a default title "spring rate", a 
default unit "N/m". The instances of this class can then override these 
default values. 

Currenlty, I defined for each of these metadata a separate attribute: 
"srate.title" of type string, "srate.unit" of type string and specified 
default values for them. I am wondering whether there is a modeling pattern 
to better cope with this problem, since I have classes with 20 parameters, 
and for which I need to define 60 attributes. Moreover, there are no 
semantic relationship between srate, srate.title and srate.unit. They are 
related just with the naming convention.

I tried to use Reification (statements about statements) to model this, but 
I was not able to set the default values for the title and unit in the 



A screenshot of the property (attribute) definition:

[image: srate.png]

The configuration of this parameter in the instance:

[image: srate-instance.png]

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