Hi Irene,

yes, the application that I am trying to build is related to product 
design, i.e. "product design specification" vs. "configured product in real 
world". Your explanation as well as the Audi example helped me a lot to 
reflect to the domain I am dealing with and now I believe I have a better 
understanding about the semantics of this type. Thanks a lot.

Best regards, Kai

Irene Polikoff schrieb am Dienstag, 2. November 2021 um 16:46:25 UTC+1:

> Hi Kai,
> This is a complex topic and I do not have enough context of your use case. 
> Conceptually, there is a difference between the "design specification" and 
> the real thing that is based on the design specification. I believe this is 
> what you are trying to do. Let me try to explain this through examples:
> 1. There is a design for a model of a car e.g., Audi Q4. This design was 
> created at some point in time by some group of designers and engineers. 
> There was a date on which the first car based on the spec was manufactured. 
> There are some factories that can build cars of this model. The model 
> (design spec) has certain characteristics and parameters e.g., the type of 
> transmission, how quickly it accelerates, after how many miles it needs to 
> be serviced. Then, there are actual cars built based on this design. Each 
> car, besides the parameters based on the design spec, has its own, more 
> unique parameters e.g., the date it was manufactured, when it was last 
> serviced, how many miles are on its odometer. These cars are not the 
> instances of the design, they are more like occurrences of it in the world. 
> The set they belong to - the set of all manufactured Audi A4 cars. Some of 
> the properties of the design spec are not “transferred” to the instances 
> e.g., the team that designed the model had no direct involvement with the 
> individual car you may drive, the date when manufacturing started is 
> different from the date when your car was manufactured, etc.
> 2. There is a concept of a disease such as, let’s say, chicken Pox. It has 
> properties e.g., the average duration, suggested treatments, when it was 
> first discovered and, possibly, by whom, etc. Then, there are occurrences 
> of this disease in actual people. They will not have the average duration. 
> Instead, they will have the actual duration. And there will be other 
> properties e.g, who is the patient, who is his doctor, etc. With this, 
> again, one could think of a class disease and a taxonomy of disease 
> specifications where Chicken Pox is an instance with its characteristics 
> and, in parallel, classes for disease occurrences e.g., all occurrences of 
> the actual chicken pox illnesses in the world.
> With this, I do not think there is an issue of weak semantics. Strictly 
> speaking, semantics would be correct. The rdf:type relationship does not 
> convey the exactly correct semantics in this case. You would need to pick 
> the values from the “design spec” instance that are inherited by default by 
> the occurrence of the spec. Because, as explained above, generally, not all 
> values are.
> Having said all of this, every modeling pattern has its own implications 
> which can be positive and negative. 
> Hope this helps,
> Irene
> On Nov 2, 2021, at 4:30 AM, Kai Liu <tjro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Irene,
> thanks for the suggestion. I tried to create a class "RealParameter" to 
> represent the Quantity with property values and then created an instance 
> called "SPR000-srate" in the ontology. Afterwards, I changed the srate 
> property shape from attribute to relationship and set the default value to 
> the "SPR000-srate". 
> In the data graph, I created a new instance "new_srate" of "RealParameter" 
> and assigned different values to title, unit and value fields. By default, 
> it takes the value "SPR000-srate", but I was able to swtich the value to 
> "new_srate". I see several drawbacks, however:
> 1) In the ontology, I would end up with creating thousands of 
> "RealParameter" instances. In my domain, I have to model several thousands 
> such classes to represent a modeling library, and some classes have up to 
> 20 parameters.
> 2) I can only override the value by switching the whole object. It is not 
> possible to only override for example unit and take the value from the 
> default title. I have to copy the title value from the default instance to 
> the new instance even if it is not changed at all.
> This is how it looks like with this approach:
> <srate-default-par.png>
> I was thinking of modelling these classes as taxonomy after I saw your 
> teaching video about taxonomy. However, my current business problem is 
> creating instances of these classes and override values. If these 
> classes/parameters would be all concepts, I would need to create some 
> custom relationship (e.g. conformsTo) between them and their instances, 
> since both are individuals from RDF ponit of view. The semantics would be 
> very weak. How about your opinion?
> Best regards, Kai
> Irene Polikoff schrieb am Dienstag, 2. November 2021 um 01:01:49 UTC+1:
>> Yes, reification would let you cut the number of property shapes to just 
>> 22:  20 for the different properties that will hold values of your 
>> quantities/measurements  plus the two for the title and the unit of measure.
>> However, you would not be able to specify a default value as you would 
>> only have a single property shape for the unit of measure property.
>> Another option is to have a class Quantity with properties value, unit of 
>> measure and title. Then, properties like srate become relationships and you 
>> would be creating new instances for each quantity. I think you should then 
>> be able to specify a default value for the srate/unit sequential path, but, 
>> without trying this out, I am not sure how practical this would be I.e., 
>> how well it would work in the EDG UI.
>> On Nov 1, 2021, at 7:34 PM, Kai Liu <tjro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In EDG, I have a class "Spring", on which a parameter "srate" of type 
>> float should be defined.  It has a default value. In addition, this 
>> parameter should also carry some metadata, e.g. a default title "spring 
>> rate", a default unit "N/m". The instances of this class can then override 
>> these default values. 
>> Currenlty, I defined for each of these metadata a separate attribute: 
>> "srate.title" of type string, "srate.unit" of type string and specified 
>> default values for them. I am wondering whether there is a modeling pattern 
>> to better cope with this problem, since I have classes with 20 parameters, 
>> and for which I need to define 60 attributes. Moreover, there are no 
>> semantic relationship between srate, srate.title and srate.unit. They are 
>> related just with the naming convention.
>> I tried to use Reification (statements about statements) to model this, 
>> but I was not able to set the default values for the title and unit in the 
>> ontology.
>> Thanks.
>> Kai
>> A screenshot of the property (attribute) definition:
>> <srate.png>
>> The configuration of this parameter in the instance:
>> <srate-instance.png>
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>> <srate.png>
>> <srate-instance.png>
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> <srate-default-par.png>

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