You might want to consider a canonical model for observations here - its 
basically a model for metadata for results of observations  :

where sosa:Observation is a meta object about the value of a property 

 it needs to be married to a canonical model for measurement  (uom) as well 
as for observable properties 

you could probably entail reified statements or simple properties against 
the "feature of interest" - i.e. subject -  from the ssn/sosa model  - 
maybe declaring

sosa:featureOfInterest, sosa:observedProperty and sosa:hasResult to be 
subproperties of rdf:subject, rdf:predicate, rdf:object  would be 
sufficient to do this in EDG?

This normalises patterns for observation time, procedure etc. 

I'm interested in formalising profiles of SOSA - and a formalisation of it 
as a reification pattern might be an interesting idea if it has utility.

On Tuesday, 2 November 2021 at 10:34:48 UTC+11 wrote:

> In EDG, I have a class "Spring", on which a parameter "srate" of type 
> float should be defined.  It has a default value. In addition, this 
> parameter should also carry some metadata, e.g. a default title "spring 
> rate", a default unit "N/m". The instances of this class can then override 
> these default values. 
> Currenlty, I defined for each of these metadata a separate attribute: 
> "srate.title" of type string, "srate.unit" of type string and specified 
> default values for them. I am wondering whether there is a modeling pattern 
> to better cope with this problem, since I have classes with 20 parameters, 
> and for which I need to define 60 attributes. Moreover, there are no 
> semantic relationship between srate, srate.title and srate.unit. They are 
> related just with the naming convention.
> I tried to use Reification (statements about statements) to model this, 
> but I was not able to set the default values for the title and unit in the 
> ontology.
> Thanks.
> Kai
> A screenshot of the property (attribute) definition:
> [image: srate.png]
> The configuration of this parameter in the instance:
> [image: srate-instance.png]

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