On 09/17/2014 03:04 PM,
bm-2cuqbqhfvdhuy34zcpl3pngkplueeer...@bitmessage.ch wrote:
> Why is Tor wasting time in implementing secure hidden services? Why not
> copy from here if they are doing it right:
> Tor   I2P
> Cell  Message
> Client        Router or Client
> Circuit       Tunnel
> Directory     NetDb
> Directory Server      Floodfill Router
> Entry Guards  Fast Peers
> Entry Node    Inproxy
> Exit Node     Outproxy
> Hidden Service        Eepsite or Destination
> Hidden Service Descriptor     LeaseSet
> Introduction point    Inbound Gateway
> Node  Router
> Onion Proxy   I2PTunnel Client (more or less)
> Relay Router
> Rendezvous Point      somewhat like Inbound Gateway + Outbound Endpoint
> Router Descriptor     RouterInfo
> Server        Router
> Why not distributed directory authorities and hardcoded?

Huh? Tor uses distributed directory authorities, and the main ones are
hardcoded in the software.

> Why not secure tunnels independent of guards?

Using entry guards protects against Sybil attacks.

> Or does Tor want to remain less secure?


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