On Thu, 2014-09-18 at 02:42 -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Ted Smith <te...@riseup.net> wrote:
> > This seems very counterproductive, given that some networks (Tor) are
> > far more researched and developed than others.
> The exact same thing would have been said ten years ago about Tor.

Not really, in 2004 onion routing was well-researched.

Tor is very incrementalist, which is a sustainable strategy for
producing large-scale systems. Dropping something like i2p, with zero
academic background, on the world means you have to analyze an entire
system from scratch, which means in practice nobody but the developers
can comment on it.

> On the contrary, once things look 'pretty good' on paper, you
> need live networks to test things out at scale and attract
> attention. If it's not broken you need to support it, let it run
> and see where the idea goes. If it's not your own project or
> favorite app you may unfairly downplay it, naturally. So
> running such nodes in that manner helps give everyone
> agnostic chance.
> > There's a reason why the NSA has "Tor Stinks" presentations and not "I2P
> > stinks" presentations.
> NSA may have give preference in analysis/presentations to
> systems based on usage they see. Tor has share, others don't.
> And if NSA docs on any other system existed at the time, Snowden
> may not have got them, thus we can't know what they say.
> The real question is: with Freenet, I2P, Gnunet, CJDNS,
> Phantom, Tor, etc... afaik all seemingly 'pretty good' and not
> broken... *why* are their adoption shares ranked however
> they are?

I think it's because they're all either abandoned, noticeably insecure,
or in their infancy. Tor is the only one with an active developer
community, a strong basis in research, and a proven track record of

Sometimes questions just have simple answers.
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