> > The real question is: with Freenet, I2P, Gnunet, CJDNS,
> > Phantom, Tor, etc... afaik all seemingly 'pretty good' and not
> > broken... *why* are their adoption shares ranked however
> > they are?
> I think it's because they're all either abandoned, noticeably
> insecure, or in their infancy. Tor is the only one with an active
> developer community, a strong basis in research, and a proven track
> record of security.
> Sometimes questions just have simple answers.

        So freenet is 'abandoned'? 'noticeably insecure'? or in 'its

        I eagerly await some serious information here. 

        Plus your idea that tor works because allegedly there
        are no NSA documents saying otherwise is a joke. 

        "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"

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