On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 5:04 PM,
<bm-2cuqbqhfvdhuy34zcpl3pngkplueeer...@bitmessage.ch> wrote:
> Why is Tor wasting time in implementing secure hidden services? Why not
> copy from here if they are doing it right:
> Tor     I2P
> Cell    Message
> Circuit Tunnel
> ...
> Why not distributed directory authorities and hardcoded?
> Why not secure tunnels independent of guards?
> Or does Tor want to remain less secure?

Yes, there should be more comparative analysis
of approaches amongst all the current networks. Create
a dedicated group that publishes such things on a darknet wiki.
Hold not just project specific meetups as is done today, but
genuine summits amongst all such projects that puts
their specific projects aside and determines what models
might best suit the next 10-20 years. Determine whether the
community is too chained by legacy project/product entrenchment
to adopt new better approaches that have come up in research
since they themselves started their own projects. Find
any worthy new techniques and peel off interested developers
into new projects. Try to ensure that big well known
projects aren't soaking up all the fanfare/funds when
equally valid small projects, or new projects would benefit
the world the same or more than the gorilla in the room.

For example, there seems some merit in filling your
internode links with chaff padding up to the bandwidth
limit you configure in order to mask both when and
how much you are communicating.
But it does not seem any project is doing that?
Perhaps because chaff transmission/management/security
models are not well developed. Or just the 'woah, bandwidth'
reaction, which in reality of the simplest design only
affects you and what bw you were willing to purchase
or experience anyway (as when operating under a
non-chaff network with a given/high utilisation condition).

Another example... there was, or is, at least one group
accepting funds and then running some of the various
overlays equally at once... tor, i2p, freenet, cjdns, mailmix.

Take some time to step back and see what together you
can do with the big picture in all areas... research, development,
operations, marketing.
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