C'mon Logitech, get your act together. The most important part of your
business is your customers, and you appear to be going out of your way
at the moment to alienate them. You (your appointed representative) slip
up and release a product to the world at large and months later it still
isn't available, then you compound the error by inviting people to
pre-order, still without any reliable indication of release date, then
you further compound the error by shortly after taking pre-orders let it
be known that the release date may have slipped back to early 2010. I
post as a very unhappy customer who has pre-ordered, had the payment
taken and then returned  -  does nothing for your image as being in
control of the situation.
I am not great, technically, on such matters but it would appear that
the hardware already exists and the problem is the software  -  correct
me if I'm wrong. Therefore you have hardware that needs a software
update before it can be used properly. The choice would appear to be for
Logitech to recall or take in to house all available hardware, unpack
them, update the software, repack them and put them into the market or
to release them as is to customers prepared to accept them on that basis
and update them over the net as the software gets sorted.
My understanding is that this software update facility is built in to
the Touch, so where's the problem?
As I said, I am not great technically on such matters but while ever
there is so much confusion people will form their own conclusions, right
or wrong. Come clean with your loyal customers, tell them clearly what's
going on and end the speculation and uncertainty. At the present moment
it looks as though you don't even know what's happening, which is doing
your image in the market place a power of no good at all. Time to put
out something your customers and potential customers can rely on, IMHO.

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